CLP Wax Melt Safety

Why is CLP so important?

⭐Are you getting bored with seeing the 'same old scents'?

⭐Are you craving something a bit more unique?

⭐Do you have a burning desire to create your very own blend of wax melt?

⭐Do you also want peace of mind that the 'House Blend' is safely and correctly labelled, so you can be aware of any ingredients that you may be allergic to?

CLP stands for Classification, Labelling and Packaging. It comes from a regulation that tells you how to use products containing chemicals safely. You can find a label on all of our home fragrance products (wax melts, room sprays, candles, fragrance oils) and many products you use at home, such as washing-up liquid, laundry detergent, cleaning products, car screen-wash and more! 
Classification is there to make you aware of any chemicals that may potentially harm you, others or the environment. Labels are there to help help identify hazardous chemicals, and explain what the hazards are and how to avoid them.

Packaging is also important to ensure that chemicals are stored and disposed of safely

All fragrance and essential oils are made up of chemicals - some synthetic, some natural. That's why each CLP label for every fragrance will look a little different. And yes, Essential oils can also contain potentially hazardous ingredients too!
They should, however contain the following important information:
Product Identifier (That's the name), plus any significant allergens. 
Hazard warnings, if they need them - these can be either written or in the form of a red and white pictogram, sometimes both. They often begin with 'Warning: May cause... or Toxic to aquatic life...' 
Sometimes they use the word Harmful and don't require a pictogram. 
There are precautionary statements such as 'If on skin...' or 'Dispose of...' although these are not mandatory and can be reduced depending on the size of the label. 
Next you have any significant allergens which could contribute to a reaction, if a person is sensitive to that particular chemical. 
It is also mandatory to have an address and phone number to contact the manufacturer in case of an emergency. 
When we create blends of wax melts and fragrances here at S&S, we use special software to make sure that the new fragrances we create are fully compliant by the GB CLP regulations. We carefully study Safety Data Sheets and upload these individually to perform calculations to combine these fragrances and create a new document for our blend. From this, we can then safely and accurately generate the appropriate CLP information to create the correct labels. Our software is constantly updated to make sure it takes into account any changes in chemical classification. 
A new blend can take anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes, depending on what information we have in our system and what new information we need to upload. 
So be label savvy. Ask the questions if you're unsure. You have the absolute right as a customer to purchase a safely-made, compliant product.
Oh and if you fancy creating your very own fully compliant, bespoke blended wax melt, you can do so here! 
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