The S&S Autumn Update
Can you believe it's already September?
The weather is definitely turning and I don't know about you, but I'm starting to crave those cosy nights in - blankets, jumpers, boots and PJ days!
We're already deep into our Autumn & Halloween launches here at S&S. It's been non-stop so far!
We've got some perfectly seasonal fragrances all across the website which have been landing in people's homes all across the country. Right now, the UK is smelling of pumpkins, leaves and sugary candy!
We love this time of year, it gives us an opportunity to get really creative! One of the things we're really looking forward to is our Tis The Season To Be Spooky Halloween Countdown which is a bit like a mini advent-type collection leading up to Halloween. These have been selling quickly, confirming that lots of you really love the spooky season!
What Have We Been Up To?
The team have been incredible and upped productivity; at the moment we have staff in all weekend, picking and packing orders to keep up with our same/next working day dispatch, as well as running our little shop which is now open every day.
Barrie is the king of wacky wax blends. He just loves making things as dark and scary sounding as possible. He's always trying to find away to add a blood-splatter effect to everything he pours!
Kelly has been incredible, as always, with whipped soaps. How she perfects them every single time is still a mystery to me, but our customers have been loving them! Our mini whipped soaps have been really popular!
Zoe is the queen of liquid soap! Her Foaming Hand & Body Washes are an absolute delight to use - so light and creamy. Kids love using these so much that sometimes you have to ration them washing their hands!
Maria keeps us all in line, by raising the proverbial eyebrow at the team, when she's in, particularly at Mr S&S! She's recently been making lots of carpet fresheners, using our new and rather brilliant machine which enables us to make larger batches at a time.

I've been working on co-ordinating a few projects. Our brand new, licensed collection 'Crescent City' by Sarah J Maas will be arriving really soon as part of our Bookish collection and I'm so excited about it. Books are my passion after fragrance, so to be able to combine the two is a dream for me.
I've also been weaving in a bit of making too; candles and bath bombs! Both of these are a staple necessity for me at this time of year. There are few things, as the nights are drawing in, more simply pleasing than lighting a candle and taking a long soak in the bath with a good book!
What's New?
We've now introduced Top-Up Tuesdays. With one of the biggest ranges of products available in the UK, keeping everything in stock at all times is a bit of a mission, so on most Tuesdays, we'll be looking at the most popular items that are either low in stock or have sold out and be replenishing them as far as we are able. Our Facebook Group community also lets us know what they want more of, so it's a great way of giving you more of what you want!
We're also working hard to make as many Ready To Ship Larger Items as possible. We turned off our Custom and Bespoke availability in June ahead of the busy seasons, but we wanted to still be able to provide larger sizes for those who wanted them. This has been a great compromise and generally most people are even happier at being able to get what they want, delivered within two days of ordering, instead of having to wait 3-4 weeks!
I also really love our new range of Occasion Candles, perfect for easy gifts! I'm sure the range will continue to grow and be popular!
Shop News
Our beautiful shop in Saltash is now open daily, leading up to Christmas (yes, I said the 'C' word! We can't believe we celebrated a year of opening the other weekend. We felt so blessed to have an incredible number of visitors, both local and travelling from afar! We loved giving everyone these amazing goody bags too, to say thank you for their support!
We are selling so many warmers at the moment, we're having a pallet delivered once a fortnight! There's so many beautiful designs, it's so hard to choose sometimes, but it's so pleasing to have them beautifully displayed in our shop area! You can't always tell by photos on the website, but when you see them in person, they really are beautiful! They're perfect for making a statement in your home and adding to that cosy vibe.
And that's the round-up for now! Leave us a comment below and tell us what you're loving at the moment!
Clare x
Love this time of year and even more so with all the seasonal scents from you guys, the pumpkins scents are absolutely amaaazing !. I love the hand soaps and am currently using Toffee Apple which smells so good also ordered a couple of seasonal candles which is a must with the nights starting to draw in .
Really looking forward to the next licensed bookish wax melts ,haven’t read the books yet but they’re definitely on my list .
Team S&S you’re amazing and make so many people happy with your wonderful products ! Xx
I’m absolutely loving all the autumn scents now we’ve landed in the ber months! Really looking forward to the Halloween Countdown too, which was amazing last year so was a must have for this year.
Also Crescent City Collection 😍 need them all already ACOTAR was incredible you did such an amazing job bringing all the characters to life through our love of scent.
You all do such an amazing job, and you create the most amazing products 🫶🏻 thank you 😊